
Independence Day

August 17th 20XX is the XXth independence day of Indonesia. Every year that day, there are a lot of activity such as a flag ceremony and some fun contest. That day, Anta and his friend Anto are joining some contest at their school. Anta joined a Balap Karung contest, while Anto joined a sendok kelereng contest. Early in the morning they arrived at school to joined a flag ceremony.
Anto : Hi Anta!
Anta : Hi Anto!
Anto : How are you today? are you ready for today contest?
Anta : I'm good, how about ya? and of course i'm ready, i've been waiting for this event since last                   week. What contest are you following?
Anto : I'm also good! I joined a sendok kelereng contest. Come on, how can you forget about it?
Anta : Oh sorry, i guess i was to excited about myself. By the way, i joined a balap karung contest in             case if you also forget it. Well i guess you don't forget it right?
Anto : Of course not, well i guess that's a normal thing to forget.
Anta : Yes, it is.
         (sounds of bell ringing)
Anta : It's time to do the flag ceremony, let's go to the field!
Anto : Let's go!

          Anta and Anto attended the flag ceremony. After the ceremony have been done, they are both              went to the different places to finish their contest.
Anto : Well i guess it's time for us to separate. Good luck on your contest, Anta!
Anta : Good luck for you too, Anto!
          After each of their contest finished, Anta and Anto meet each other.
Anta : Hi, Anto! how was the contest result?
Anto : Well, it didn't go as i expected. How about you?
Anta : I got the first place. What position are you?
Anto : Congratulations, Anta! well, i got the second place.
Anta : That is still a great job! Good job, Anto!
Anto : Well, thanks for the support, Anta!
Anta : Anytime, Anto.



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